Laragh Glendalough Notes Week beg 29th August

Clara Vale Committee

The Clara Vale committee wish to say a big thank you to all who helped them organize the fun run/walk last Thursday evening. Thanks to all the walkers and runners for their support. An enjoyable evening was had by all and €1,095 was raised.
Glendalough/Laragh Car Boot

The next Car Boot will be on Sunday 4th September. In August we had fresh vegetables from our local community garden and of course a sunny day to enjoy cake, tea and a chat with our regular and new customers. Open from 9.30 to 4pm. Call now on 0404 45600 or email on to book a stall inside. Outside come along on the morning and sell from your car but if you have a van you will need to book in.

Tae Kwon Do

After 14 years of Paul Healy teaching Tae Kwon Do has come to an end at the Brockagh Resource Centre. We are sorry to see him leave and wish him the very best in his new business adventure. More details will be announced about Tae Kwon Do starting in September.

Badminton and Art Classes Badminton classes will be returning on Mon September the 12th and they will continue to be on Monday evening and the usual Thursday evening.

Art and crafts classes for kids, are back on Monday afternoons at the Brockagh Centre from Sept. 12th. Classes cover a wide range of art and craft forms. We work with lots of different materials and learn new skills and techniques with every project. It’s all about the joy of making!Call on or text 086 3897732 or email

Mindful Athletic Performance

This course is for athletes who would like to get more from their sports performance, be more present and in the moment when training or competing, learn to modify their behaviour with awareness, overcome negative beliefs or thoughts that are holding your performance back, would like to achieve and realise their goals. Contact Sue Redmond via email at or phone 086 8102770. This will be held at the Brockagh Resource Centre on November 19th 9:30am-5pm.
Active Retirement

at the Brockagh Centre We are back on 13th September and looking forward to catching up again with all our friends. All are welcome to join us on Tuesday mornings at 11am for some light exercise, lots of laughs and a chinwag over a cup of tea.
Drama & Dance

Kate from Elevation Dance will be back on wed 28th September to the Brockagh Resource Centre. Drama and Dance will now be on the same day for more updates contact Kate 086 8256775 or go to
Social Morning Meetups

It was suggested recently that we have a social morning at the Brockagh Resource Centre where people can get together share ideas, chat and exchange skills such as photography, crafts, painting, sharing books or to arrange outings and of course have a cuppa. If this would appeal to you call into us or phone 0404 45600 so we can get an idea of the level of interest.
Parent and Toddler Group

Happy Days will be starting back on September 14th from 10.30 to 12.30 at the Brockagh Centre. We would like to invite parents to come for a social morning with their children for some play, chat and of course light refreshments. Contact Sandra at the centre for more information.

Support workshop for parents

The workshop starting in early October at the Brockagh Centre is about how to best support yourself and your child if he/she is diagnosed with a learning disability, developmental or behavioral disorder. If you would like to know more contact Elke MacEntee on 087 670 6737 or email
Job Vacancy

We require a Development Worker with the ability to work with key stakeholders to support programmes for older and young people. Applicants should have good social, written, numeracy, IT and verbal communication skills, have experience in drafting and submitting grant applications and be prepared to assist with duties such as light catering, reception, etc. This is a full-time/part-time sharing position (€9.15/hour) with flexible working hours which include week-end and evening work. It is funded by the Community Services Programme and applicants must check their eligibility beforehand Please forward your CV to Pauline Fahy, Manager, Brockagh Centre, Laragh, Glendalough or email Further details are available by calling on 0404-45600.